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Friday, August 6, 2010

I have an addiction...

Salt is the single biggest preventable reason for high blood pressure. When salt is consumed, it activates the same part of the brain as cocaine and heroin addiction. The recommended maximum daily intake of salt for a healthy individual is 2,300 mg; if you're consuming more than that, you are putting yourself at risk for hypertension, vascular and cardiac damage, and obesity in addition to high blood pressure.

1 tablespoon is almost equal to 5 grams. There is 1000 milligrams in 1 gram. So therefore there are 5000 milligrams in 1 tablespoon

There was a point in my life when I consumed more than double the daily amount of recommended salt intake in one pop. This is my story. To be honest I have an addiction to table salt. There was one point in my life when I was eating a delicious breakfast burrito when I realized how far I was deep into my addiction. I sit here today proud to say that I broke that addiction. I went cold turkey and didn't use table salt for six months. Until one day I cracked this is the story of my relapse. I was sitting around the table with five of my good buddies. We were talking about stupid human challenges, you know like eating a pound of mayonnaise, or maybe a 25 foot sushi roll.  My good friend Bowman Stacey then said something that would change my life forever. He said, "It is impossible to eat a tablespoon of salt in one go."

It was improbable that Boman knew anything of my prior addiction, but before I could even think before I could even react I blurted out, "I know for a fact that I could do it."

So the challenge was laid before me. I was a Anigo Montoya, the salt had killed my father, and now it must prepare to die. There was nothing left to do but fill the spoon completely, and take it like a man. I admit more than once I was on the edge of blowing chunks, but I held it down. I was on top of the world. I was Clay Aiken when he found out his record blew Ruban Studdard's out of the water.  I was doing my little victory dance when it hit. My stomach was doing the ChaCha. I felt as if I was going to die. So I laid on the floor for two hours groaning, and passing gas as my friends laughed at my condition. This was maybe the biggest mistake that I ever made in my entire life. Imagine if a heroine addict was clean for three months and took the biggest shot of his life. That was me on that day. If someone ever raises that challenge again I might just take it cause that's who I am.  

1 comment:

  1. I bet you couldn't do it again, Brad! I triple dog dare you to try it.
