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Thursday, August 5, 2010

I pose a question to the world.

Why Blog?

I must admit that I am somewhat of a blog hater. I have a number of friends who will not be named....(anna, erin, jammie) That thrive in the blog universe. Why is this I ask? For what reason would someone pore out their very heart and soul into the cyber sphere? My quest is to find an answer to this very question. Much like mario on his quest to save the captured princess from bowser's clutches. Or Jim's heroic rescue of the beautiful Jessica in the beloved classic The Man From Snowy River. These men were on quests to find a greater truths. There must be some concrete reason why some of my greatest friends in the world blog. Recently I've been trying to expand my horizons, ride into open frontiers with an open mind. This is my attempt to ride into the sunset on a white stallion accompanied by a damsel no longer in distress....I want to learn to blog. Signing out for now.

1 comment:

  1. Want me to bring, Return from Snowy River this weekend? We could watch it on your laptop!
