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Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Have Seen Bigfoot

Cryptozoology (from Greek κρυπτόςkryptos, "hidden" + zoology; literally, "study of hidden animals") refers to the search for animals which are considered to be legendary or otherwise nonexistent by mainstream biology. This includes looking for living examples of animals which are extinct, such as dinosaurs; animals whose existence lacks physical support but which appear in myths, legends, or are reported, such as Bigfoot and Chupacabra;[2] and wild animals dramatically outside of their normal geographic ranges, such as phantom cats or "ABCs" (an initialism commonly used by cryptozoologists that stands for Alien Big Cats).

For those of you who don't like reading boring crap I would suggest not reading the top of this post.

My brother once did a report on cryptozoology in school. This is when I learned of the astounding field. Little did I know how close my life actually came to the truth which is cryptozoology. His main subject in the report was the infamous Chupacabra.Which is to be defined as an evil goat killing mexican monster. I would suggest googling it's mating noises online if you want to waste your time completely. 

My experience with Cryptozoology came at a young age. It was a fine summer morning. I was wearing cut off jeans and a baseball cap worn backwards. I know what you're thinking, and yes I did look exactly like Ash Ketchum. Well we were busy tearing apart the foothills above our house. We knew that place like hobbits know the shire. We'd hang out there every single day those were the days before the atari was invented. Ok maybe that was a lie. Hanging out in the foothills was a blast until it happened. Preston and I were keeping mainly to ourselves when we caught a glimpse of this man sized beast who was completely covered in hair. He stared at us for several seconds, and ran into the distance forever. I firmly believe that I saw Bigfoot that day 
he does exists kids. Don't let your parents tell you any different.

Over and Out.


  1. Brad. You did not see bigfoot. It was probably just Jimbo checkin' up on you two.

  2. Excuse me? I look nothing like big foot!
